Sunday, July 20, 2014


Going back to 2012, the liberals did it to us again. Under the Obama administration, the BLM now charges you on EVERY 20 ACRE PORTION, or PORTION THEREOF, it's full assessment fee. Instead of Per Claim, it is Per 20 acres. So if you have a 20.01 acre placer claim you are going to have to pay $155 x 2. If you have a 160 acre association placer, you will owe 8 x $155... Dirty trick isn't it.

Added to that, the rental fee is NOW TIED TO THE CPI, or it has been for a little while. So... We are hit by inflation as well.

Small miner waiver is still good for $10 after your first year of owning the claim... BUT, you still have to actually do assessment work and record your affidavits to that effect.

Fun stuff isn't it.

This, my friends, is why we need to put a CONSERVATIVE in the white house next time around! Marxism is breaking us.

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