Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The propagation of anti-prospecting propaganda

Well, one of our greatest strengths is also our greatest weakness. We are losing our rights because we are such a small group as compared to hunters and fishermen. Yet the less who know that you REALLY CAN make good money prospecting for gold, the more opportunities remain for us that do know.

What prompted this post was seeing the CBS morning show or early show or whatever it is called... I just happened to turn the tv on and there it was, a segment on gold prospecting. Basically my take on it was, they are making us look foolish or greedy. They clearly do not understand gold fever.

Robert Service said it best when he wrote The Spell of the Yukon: "Gold is haunting and haunting and luring me on as of old yet it is not the gold I am wanting, so much as just finding the gold." And sorry if that was a paraphrase and not exact word for word but it is close enough for my purposes here.

I don't care how much gold I have. All I care about is finding it. That is the only thing that gives relief to the gold fever. It doesn't matter if it is a few specks of flour, or a few pickers. Doesn't matter if I turn a profit or not. I've certainly had profitable days, and I do have places I can go to make good wages off the land by digging gold. I've just been too busy with life to spend the amount of time doing it I want to.

But it just irks me that they say "Oh, you are going to spend $100 to make $10" or "No one ever got rich mining gold." Many fortunes were made. See, if a prospector made $10,000 a hundred years ago, divide by 20 and that is 500 $20 gold pieces. 500 $20 gold pieces now is worth 500 x $1400 roughly, or nearly $750,000 in todays money. Of course they never give you inflation adjusted prices and values. Would you seriously not be able to call $750,000 a fortune?

Also, the prospectors of the old days worked hard for their gold and they knew how to find it and they knew there was more where that came from. So, they mined like hell while the mining was good and spent it all enjoying life best they could while they could. Their not being rich from gold mining was not from a lack of success as much as it was from living high on the hog.

There are a lot of people, predominantly liberal democrats, that do not want to see people out digging for gold. They actually hate gold. They prefer their fiat money that can be printed in abundance to support a welfare state at the cost of the economic prosperity of those who actually work for a living. They do not want any kind of living to be made off of the earth. They think we destroy the environment.

Well, It is enough to say for the moment that sure, you wont become an overnight millionaire, but it is also true that when you are out mining, you are probably walking all over mineral wealth beneath your feet. Just think of all the times you have gone through mineral rich ground. You've probably stepped on millions of dollars without knowing it. And yes, you can get your share too if you don't give in to the propaganda. We aren't hurting anything by digging a few holes and washing a little dirt. In fact, prospectors remove potentially millions of pounds of trash and heavy metals out of streams every year. I've easily removed hundreds of pounds of lead mercury and garbage including fishing lures and sinkers in my lifetime of prospecting... Do any of you environmentalists truly want me to put everything back the way I found it? Or are you going to let me continue cleaning up the environment instead of talking about it as you guys do? And get this! No superfund project is needed to pay me to go out and do it either! I am perfectly happy cleaning up the streams for the gold I find doing it!

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